Why are Telegram groups best for UPSC Civil Service Exam Preparation? This is not an advertisement post for Telegram but just a sharing experience with freshers.
While preparing for UPSC civil service exam we need two things. 1) Content 2) Study circle. The Internet has tons of content. You can refer Insights or IASBaba or Vision or anything for content. you may also need a study circle or group to discuss with. For that forumias.com was very helpful but to be more accessible and handy telegram apps are used. If you are preparing from home then using telegram became mandatory for you.
Why are Telegram groups best for UPSC?
- We can use Telegram in desktop too which is very convenient to search for materials and to read for a long time.
- Many of our friends, school college groups are in WhatsApp which can divert us whereas telegram app is less popular with more powerful features and so we can prefer telegram.
- If we are joining in a group today we can read all the messages of the group even if it was sent last year. Which is not possible in Whatsapp.
- Already many study circles are located in telegram app. so we can make use of it.
- no piracy issue and so newspapers, insights, vision question papers, ebooks are available in 100s of groups.
- Gives Privacy to you. Especially girls can join in a group without revealing their name or number. At the same time, they can receive messages from group members.
- Easy search is available and so we no need to ask anyone to share it for another time. Simply join a group and search for the materials shared in that group.
- We can add more than 250 members in Telegram whereas Whatsapp groups are limited.
So Here telegram makes a very good platform for civil service exam preparation making telegram groups best for UPSC. But remember some basic principles.
- Never use telegram for time pass chats. Which may end up in wasting more time while getting an excuse to ourselves for using telegram only for studies.
- Do not join in tons of groups. Join in a limited number of groups. Make sure if the group admin is contented, group members are not always chitchatting.
- Don’t waste more time in the group. You can Use Appdetox app if you are getting distracted while using apps for UPSC.
- Don’t read each and ever messages. Just take whatever you need from the group.
I will write a separate post on some important telegram apps for UPSC preparation. [None of those groups is mine so it is not an advertisement.]