Competitive Exams
Does Lingayat Comes under OBC in Central List
The question Does Lingayat Comes under OBC in Central List does not have a one-word answer. Lingayats are comprised of many sub-castes. Some fall under OBC and some under SC. There are also subcastes in Lingayats which doesn’t have a reservation and falls under OC. In this post, I’m sharing details of the Lingayat castes […]
Study Tips to Crack JEE MAIN 2018
Study Tips to Crack JEE MAIN 2018 IIT JEE is for the candidates seeking admission in the BE (Bachelor of Engineering) or B.Tech (Bachelor of Technology) courses in the various prestigious institutes of India like Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIITs), National Institutes of Technology (NITs), some Centrally Funded Technical Institutes (CFTIs) and regional engineering […]
Rise in the Demand for MCA
The Continuous Rise in the Demand for MCA The MCA course stands for Masters in Computer Application. It is a 3 years (6 Semesters) course that is highly sought after in India. The Information Technology is an ever growing field and to meet the growing demands, the scope for MCA is very high in India. […]
The best distance MBA colleges in India which accept GMAT scores
GMAT – Graduate Management Admission Test is a computer-adaptive exam which measures person’s analytical, writing, quantitative, verbal and reading skills in regular written English. GMAT test is for getting admission into a graduate management program, such as MBA and Masters in Finance associated courses. Participating Institutes of GMAT includes more than 2000, which gives admission of […]